The Big 5: Arenas of Energy

There are 5 areas that can really impact your life and we don't really pay attention to them. In this lesson, we will be exploring these 5 areas and how they impact each other. You will learn to look at and appreciate these in a different light. This isn't your usual Productivity management module.

When you are out of balance in one area, the resulting behaviors and mindset can heavily affect the other remaining areas. There are 2 methods that will help you be confident to make decisions that will align with what is important to you and set you up to create the life of your dreams.

Boundaries and standards will easily be set and kept now that you are clear of what you want from previous modules and applying the 2 Methods.

Key Concepts:

  • Understanding the 5 areas that encompass and impact your life
  • Gaining confidence with clear decision making Methods.
  • Setting Boundaries, standards and supportive actions & supportive awareness

The Big 5

  • Time
  • Money
  • Self
  • Mental
  • Emotional


We all know concept of time and time management. Time is finite, meaning it is governed by the construct of 12 Months in a year, 52 weeks in a year, roughly 4 weeks in a month, 7 days a week, 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, 1440 minutes in a day.... you get the idea. We have phrases of "wasted time", "spending time", "Killing time"...


Money: That is a loaded subject for some. I like to look at it as a tool. But it is your relationship with money and your concept of money that plays a huge factor in how you deal with money. Are you using money to buy things to help you get that hit of dopamine and happiness? Are you throwing money at anything and everything to "fix" it? (Girl, me too! I used to do all of that)


There are two aspects of Self: effort (energy) and presence. When you put effort (being or doing) that doesn't align with you, help you move the needle closer to your truth, then it is draining. The mere act of you being present, instead of chasing the next thing, or disassociating or disconnected for the place where you are, from those that you are around, can have the most impact in your life and your relationships. I also know that it can be draining and hard for you. You may have been operating on emotional and social reserves for a while and that it has become normal. This is an opportunity to get reconnected to yourself, where you much check in with yourself, your internal battery and your motives behind showing up or not.


Mental health and well being has been on the forefront in the last decade, more than ever. Let's talk about the mental load of it all, what I lovingly call mental gymnastics (or shit storm - if you're sassy 😜). The constant worry, replaying of events, stories, internal criticism, just to name a few takes a toll on our mental energy - not to all the other areas of your life. The space that all of that is taking up rent free in your head is enormous. Let's free up some space.


Emotions can feel the most elusive. We have been taught very little on how to regulate and process, much less be able to accurately put it into words. You are taught, and as a society as a whole, that everyone has the power to make people feel things, It is someone else's (or something else) to make us happy and fulfilled, it is weaponized by gaslighting you to think that there is something wrong with you if you feel anything other than happy. Emotions are the fuel and the driver for your actions.

When one of these is out of whack or imbalanced the other areas go whack-a-doo!

Lesson Summary

In this lesson, we will explore 5 areas that significantly impact your life and are often overlooked. These areas interact with and influence each other:

  • Time
  • Money
  • Self (including effort and presence)
  • Mental (mental health and well-being)
  • Emotional

Key Concepts:

  • Understanding the 5 areas that encompass and impact your life
  • Gaining confidence with clear decision-making methods
  • Setting boundaries, standards, supportive actions, and supportive awareness

Through 2 methods taught in this lesson, you will be equipped to make decisions aligned with your values and aspirations, leading you towards the life you dream of:

  • Applying the 2 Methods
  • Setting Boundaries, standards, and supportive actions & supportive awareness

Let's briefly dive into each of the 5 areas:

  • Time: Understanding the finite nature of time and its management.
  • Money: Considering money as a tool and assessing your relationship and behavior towards it.
  • Self: Exploring the aspects of effort and presence within yourself and how they impact your energy and relationships.
  • Mental: Discussing mental health, the mental load, and strategies to alleviate the burden of constant worry and self-criticism.
  • Emotional: Reflecting on emotions, their regulation, societal perceptions, and their role as drivers for actions.

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